年輕佈道家30歲前領百萬人歸主我找到了Daniel King的事工網站:King Ministries International。也找到原文的完整報導:ASSIST News如下:
【編譯Icula/ANS九月四日報導】到墨西哥服事的佈道家之子但以理.金恩(Daniel King)立志要在30歲以前,帶領一百萬人歸主。這目標最近達成了,於是他與妻子改立新目標:每年要帶一百萬人信主。
金恩自幼廣泛閱讀當代許多偉大佈道家的傳記,葛理翰(Billy Graham)、歐洛‧羅柏斯(Oral Roberts)和奧斯本(T. L. Osborn)都成了他心目中的英雄。金恩說:「我看見這些佈道家佈道時,台下人山人海,於是便渴望成為佈道家。」
金恩畢業於奧克拉荷馬州士薩市(Tulsa)基督教羅伯特大學(Oral Roberts University,是美國西部排名一流的大學),取得新約聖經學士學位。就讀大學期間,他便開始環遊世界,向凡願意聽的人傳福音。
金恩與另一些年輕的佈道家共同創立「靈魂贏得者聯盟」(Soul Winners Alliance)。他的異象不但是要向失喪者傳福音,且要教導、訓練他們。「金恩國際事工團」(King Ministries International)計畫透過大規模的佈道運動、領袖訓練、散發福音單張和人道援助,達成這計畫。
Young Evangelist Leads 'One Million-Heirs' to Christ Before the Age of 30
By Michael Ireland
Chief Correspondent, ASSIST News Service
TULSA, OK (ANS) -- As a young man, Daniel King, the son of missionaries to Mexico, read extensively about some of the great evangelists of our time.
Missionary evangelist Daniel King
His heroes were men like Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, and T. L. Osborn.
"I saw pictures of the huge crowds they ministered to and God put the dream in my heart to be an evangelist," King said.
King explained that at age 15, he read a book about achieving success.
"The book said it is important for young people to write down their goals. One of the goals it mentioned that would be good for young people is to try to become a millionaire by the age of thirty," said King.
King says he was called into the ministry when he was five years old and began to preach when he was six. His parents became missionaries to Mexico when he was ten.
Daniel spent the next thirteen years ministering in Mexico alongside his parents, and when he was fourteen he started a children's ministry which gave him the opportunity to minister in some of America's largest churches while he was still a teenager.
"I realized that because of my upbringing as a missionary in Mexico that money was not important to me, what was important was souls.
"So, that day I wrote down this goal, 'I, Daniel King, want to lead 1,000,000 people to Jesus before the age of 30.' Instead of becoming a millionaire, I decided to lead one million 'heirs' into the kingdom of God."
King graduated with Honors from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK with a BA degree in New Testament, and while he was still attending Oral Roberts University, Daniel began traveling to nations around the world preaching the Gospel to whoever would listen.
He has visited over fifty nations in his quest for souls and has conducted soul-winning crusades with attendance of up to 50,000 people in a single service.
Now a missionary evangelist around the world, King recently completed his goal of leading one million people to Christ before the age of thirty.
King and his wife Jessica have kept careful records of all the people who have accepted Christ at their events.
In Indonesia, they had 2,603 decision cards filled out, in Pakistan 11,012 came to Jesus, in Ethiopia over fifty thousand people prayed the sinner's prayer in one night.
This year, right before Daniel had his thirtieth birthday, they added up all the numbers and found that the goal to lead one million people to Jesus had been completed.
Daniel and Jessica King have now set a new goal -- to lead 1,000,000 people to Jesus every year.
Daniel is a co-founder of the Soul Winners Alliance, a group of young evangelists who are committed to leading millions to Christ.
The vision of King Ministries is to evangelize the lost and to teach, train, and edify the body of Christ around the world.
King Ministries International plans to accomplish this through massive soul-winning crusades, leadership training, literature distribution, and humanitarian relief. For more information about the ministry visit: www.kingministries.com .
King has recently published a book, ' The Secret of Obed-Edom', which seeks to reveal what he believes is 'the greatest undiscovered story in the Bible.' It is predicted to rapidly become a bestseller among believers.
To contact the Kings directly, write:
Daniel & Jessica King
Missionary Evangelists
PO Box 701113
Tulsa, OK 74170
Website: www.kingministries.com
Ph. 918-851-5463
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